Today’s a very exciting day! Startup DPC: How to Start and Grow Your Direct Primary Care Practice has hit number 1 on Amazon under the Physician category.
Startup DPC: How to Start and Grow Your Direct Primary Care Practice has hit number 1 on Amazon under the Physician category.
Additionally, the book has garnered some amazing reviews so far. Here’s the top review:
Dr. Thomas has a wealth of knowledge from his experience starting and running a highly successful DPC practice. This book, his previous book, and his online courses are all extremely helpful resources for physicians to start their own DPC practice to provide better, more affordable care to patients.
The next review came from Kendrick:
This book is more than just one guys thoughts about starting a DPC practice. Dr. Paul has been advocating purpose driven business for years. If you have a goal of making money with a successful DPC practice you may or may not find that brings you happiness or fulfillment. Dr. Paul's discussion fo the concept of ikigai could change your life if you are open to it.
The practical stuff is here too. You could follow this recipe for a practice like his and have something you could really be proud of in the end. But inevitably, you're going to be adding in your own ingredients and the recipe here becomes not a restriction but a great base to start with.
I honestly can't believe what Dr. Paul has accomplished. He and I started practices at the same time and if I were the comparing type, I'd feel bad about myself. Instead, I'm choosing just to be inspired.
Sincerely thank you for the kind words Kendrick, I really appreciate you.
If you’d like to pick up a copy of Startup DPC, you can do so here.
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day! - Dr. Paul Thomas